Thursday 2 May 2013

Its all about AUSTIN CARTER MAHONE :))


1. Austin's full name: Austin Carter Mahone

2. Was born on April 4th 1996 on a Thursday at 10:14 am, he's only child

3. His mom, Michele Lee Mahone, his dad died when he was 16 months old, and his name was Carter

4. His best friends: Alex, Tyler, Robert, Zach, etc

5. ShootUsDown where it all started. it Austin and Alex' youtube channel.

6. Austin has 2 cats. Anthony and Romo.He use to has a dog, her name was Angel

7. His grandpa bought him, his very first guitar

8. His first single, 11:11 comes out on February 14th 2012, and his 2nd single comes out on iTunes on June 5th

9. He lived in San Antonio, Texas but then moved to Miami, florida

10. Austin's performing in Philly on May 22th, in NYC on June 22th and in LA in June 24th

Austin's dad  

  • Before Fame,He began posting videos with a friend in 2010 and eventually amassed a large following.
    Trivia Fact Since being discovered, he has released two successful singles, 11:11 and Say Something. 
    Family Life: He has always lived with his mother since his father died at an early age.

    5 Things You Should Know About Austin! (January 2013)

     Cambio did a short piece on Austin, and five things they think you should know about Austin:

    With so many new artists on our radar, it’s difficult to keep an eye–and ear–out for all of them.
    But here’s one we can’t let you miss. We got to chat with YouTube famed singer Austin Mahone (who’s getting some major comparisons to the Biebs) over the phone, and we’ve narrowed it down to five things that you should know about him now. Check them out:
    1: Austin was born in Texas and grew up around a lot of country music but got interested in hip-hop and R&B once he discovered T-Pain.
    2: He describes his music style as, “Upbeat. Makes you want to jump around the beach. Just happy pop.”
    3: Austin’s special talent is that he can beat box! Real well too (he swears).
    4: This year, Austin will be going on tour and opening for Taylor Swift!
    5: How would Austin describe his upcoming album in three words? “Best. Album. Ever.”
    How would we describe Austin’s upcoming album two words? Can’t. Wait.